Friday 26 October 2018

What I am working on W2

Here is my Tokelau slide show I made its not quite finished yet im still working on it.

Jack and the morpork

100 word challenge

100 word challenge
One fine day I went to explore a cave. Then I found a doorway I didn't know where it leads to but I went in it anyway. Then as I went through the door I saw lots of huge mountains and a volcano. I also saw some mysterious creatures they seemed to be harmless but as I went closer one of them jumped on my face and I ran as far as I could and lost them. I keeping hearing weird chirping noises that came from dinosaurs I didn't know what to do. So I found a nice and peaceful place to stay.

Friday 19 October 2018

What I am working on - Wk 1

Here is my free writing that my friends and I are working on. We are doing a would you rather so how this works is you are given two options and you have to choose one of them that you would do. Example: Would you rather be a girl or a boy? That's basically what were working on.

Thursday 18 October 2018

This is some of the stuff I have done on my holiday!